full glute day 2
Here’s the much anticipated sequel to “ma$sochist” that critics have been waiting for: “butt it’s too hard”. Similar breakdown to “ma$ochist” - starting heavy and working through all 3 planes of motion that target your glutes. 3 circuits again, and just as before you can add a set if you’re advanced and remove a set per exercise if you’re a beginner.
Many of the exercises have full tutorials on my tiktok in the buttstuff playlist, but I have GIFs below as well.
You can download the PDF below or screenshot the table. Enjoy
Circuit 1
Hip Thrust
Rest the back on the bench at the bottom edge of shoulder blades. Shins vertical, press through heels to move weight.
Staggered Goblet Squat
Flat foot leg does all the work. All weight on that leg, squat down like a normal squat with firm pressure on the heel of the working leg. Don’t let either knee cave in.
RFE Quad Stretch
Nice and easy, breathe throughout
Circuit 2
Barbell Reverse Lunge
Front leg should do 90% of the work. Keeping back flat, chest open, step back with a slight lean on the front leg. With firm pressure on the front heel, stand back up. Don’t let the front knee cave in.
Elevated Lateral Lunge
Elevation allows for deeper hip range. Toes pointed forward, and push your butt back as far as you can into the working hip. Press through outside edge of working heel to stand back up.
Shin Box Switch
Try and use as little assistance as you can, breathe as you go side to side. Should be pretty hard for most, easy for some.
Circuit 3
Wall gives you feedback to make sure you’re reaching deep into the hip, and also gives you support in your weakest position. All weight stays on the stationary leg, especially the heel. Light tap to the wall to, keep a flat back, and press through the floor to stand up.
Curtsy Lunge
Only a sublte step across the midline. Focus more on loading the front leg with a good lean, and rotating the back hip towards the front knee (my old video on tiktok about curtsys in the “buttstuff” playlist gives a full breakdown)
Mini Band Lateral Walk
This band was clearly a bit too tight for me, but put the band above the knees. Lead with the knees to move side to side, not the feet (do as I say, not as I do).