M.R.T.: Boney M

Happy Bones Day everybody. That means we gotta get sh*t done, and no better way to do that than an efficient, full body, metabolic resistance training program. GIFs for each circuit are below the table. You can download the PDF by clicking the button below or screenshot the table. Let’s hope for a no bones day tomorrow cause I'm already feeling sore.

Circuit 1

Trap Bar Deadlift

Keep a flat back, broad chest, and tight core. With soft knees, press firmly through your heels and the ground to move the weight. The motion comes from the hips, not the spine.

Should feel: glutes, hams, core

Half Kneeling Shoulder Press

Don’t need a kettlebell for this one. With opposite leg in front, keep core tight as you press up from the shoulder.

Should feel: core, shoulder, tricep

Wheel Roll Out

The only exercise where I enforce rounding your back. Try and keep your back rounded as long as you can as you roll the wheel. Roll by moving hips first then finish with the arms.

Should feel: Core

Circuit 2

DB Split Squat

I like having a forward lean, or hinge, on these to load the front leg more. As you lean forward, keep the front shin vertical to load glutes/hamstrings more. Press firmly through front heel to move

Should feel: Front leg quad, glute, hamstring. Back leg quad

Pull Ups

*Replace with Lat Pulldowns if you can’t do pull ups

Full reps ideally, as in dead hang to all the way up. Keep shoulders squeezed down away from ears.

Should feel: Lats, upper back, arms

Side Bends

The movement is much more subtle than most people do. Keep hips still, only move by lifting up the rib cage on the opposite side of the weight slightly. Crunch the rib cage down using your obliques.

Should feel: obliques

Circuit 3

Cable SLDL to Row

Not as hard as it looks tbh. The standing leg is the working leg. Grab cable with the opposite arm. With a soft knee on the standing leg, reach the moving leg as far back as you can while reaching the arm towards the cable. Press through the heel of the standing leg to return to standing. Finish the move with a row

Should feel: glutes, hams on standing leg. Lat/Arm on opposite arm

Staggered Cable Chest Press

Opposite leg in front, tight core. Press from the chest, slightly out to in.

Should feel: shoulder/chest/tricep, core

Tall Kneeling Chop

Both knees down, flex your glutes to stretch the front of your hips. With a tight core and straight arms, chop from shoulder to hip.

Should feel: Core, arms, glutes

Circuit 4

Rope Tricep Extensions

A classic. Stay close to the cables for this one. Shoulders rolled down and back, tight core, press the rope down and out without moving the elbows.

Should feel: Triceps

Face Pull

Staggered Stance. With an overhand grip, pull the rope to the bridge of your knows. As you pull it towards you, pull the rope apart and try and point your thumbs to your butt.

Should feel: upper back, rear delt

Rope Bicep Curl

Soft knees to keep weight in hips. Step back a few feet. Elbows tight to the body. As you curl, try twisting your palms up as much as you can to work more peak bicep.

Should feel: Biceps


Five Thighs


full glute day 2