upper push/pull (and core)

Sup guys. Here’s an efficient but full upper body workout - alternating between pushes and pulls to minimize rest while keeping the positions challenging to engage your core - so you don’t have to waste 5 min at the end of your workout on a mat. You can download the PDF by clicking the link below, or screenshot the table below that. I have the exercises listed with instructions as well, enjoy!

Push:pull screenshot.jpg

Compound Set 1 - Horizontal push (chest), Horizontal pull (back)

Alternating Chest Press w/ Opposite Leg LowerStart in a dead bug position, lower one arm with about a fist size gap between the elbow and the rib cage, and the opposite leg at the same time. Keep your back flat and firm on the ground, and don’t let the other limbs move. Should feel: chest, core, shoulders, triceps

Alternating Chest Press w/ Opposite Leg Lower

Start in a dead bug position, lower one arm with about a fist size gap between the elbow and the rib cage, and the opposite leg at the same time. Keep your back flat and firm on the ground, and don’t let the other limbs move.

Should feel: chest, core, shoulders, triceps

3 point stance bent over rowOn the balls of your feet, push off a box or bench to push your weight back into your hips. Back should be almost parallel to the ground. Keep a big chest and tight stomach, row with one arm limiting movement in the lower back and legs. Should feel: Lat, mid back, arm, core, legs

3 point stance bent over row

On the balls of your feet, push off a box or bench to push your weight back into your hips. Back should be almost parallel to the ground. Keep a big chest and tight stomach, row with one arm limiting movement in the lower back and legs.

Should feel: Lat, mid back, arm, core, legs

Compound Set 2 - Vertical push (shoulders), Vertical pull (lats)

Half Kneeling (narrow) Military PressThe key to this one is having a narrow stance, so almost having your front foot, back knee, and back foot in a line. From there, core tight, press the front foot firmly into the ground, and engage the glute on the back leg. Then press overhead, keeping hips and core engaged.Should feel: Shoulders, triceps, core, legs/hips of both legs.

Half Kneeling (narrow) Military Press

The key to this one is having a narrow stance, so almost having your front foot, back knee, and back foot in a line. From there, core tight, press the front foot firmly into the ground, and engage the glute on the back leg. Then press overhead, keeping hips and core engaged.

Should feel: Shoulders, triceps, core, legs/hips of both legs.

Foam Roller PulloverUse the foam roller for feedback on the spine. Keep your ribs down, and lower back mostly flat on the roller. Push the DB as far away from you as you can, and create the biggest arch possible to reach the ground. Make sure your arms stay straight and you keep pushing the DB away from you.Should feel: lats, core, triceps

Foam Roller Pullover

Use the foam roller for feedback on the spine. Keep your ribs down, and lower back mostly flat on the roller. Push the DB as far away from you as you can, and create the biggest arch possible to reach the ground. Make sure your arms stay straight and you keep pushing the DB away from you.

Should feel: lats, core, triceps

Compound Set 3 - Single joints - Shoulders, Triceps, Biceps, Shoulders again

Single arm single leg lateral raiseThe weight goes in the same arm as the elevated leg side, this engages the glute of the standing leg. With a soft standing knee, straight arm, and tight core, push the dumbell away from you as you raise it laterally to 90 degrees. The higher it goes, the more you should feel your opposite side glute and oblique. Should feel: Shoulder, core, glutes

Single arm single leg lateral raise

The weight goes in the same arm as the elevated leg side, this engages the glute of the standing leg. With a soft standing knee, straight arm, and tight core, push the dumbell away from you as you raise it laterally to 90 degrees. The higher it goes, the more you should feel your opposite side glute and oblique.

Should feel: Shoulder, core, glutes

Back to wall DB PressThe wall works as feedback for your spine, similar to the ground. Stand a few inches away with soft knees, and make sure your tailbone, midback, and head stay in contact with the wall. As you press the weight away, it’ll be harder to maintain those 3 points of contact - but that’s where you’ll get the core (and neck) workout.Should feel: shoulders, core, front of neck, taller?

Back to wall DB Press

The wall works as feedback for your spine, similar to the ground. Stand a few inches away with soft knees, and make sure your tailbone, midback, and head stay in contact with the wall. As you press the weight away, it’ll be harder to maintain those 3 points of contact - but that’s where you’ll get the core (and neck) workout.

Should feel: shoulders, core, front of neck, taller?

Tall kneeling Overhead Tricep ExtensionFlex both glutes to push the pelvis forward, and get a slight posterior tilt. Should feel a stretch in the front of the hips. As you get the DB overhead and reach down your back, keep your ribs down and glutes engaged.Should feel: Triceps, core, glutes

Tall kneeling Overhead Tricep Extension

Flex both glutes to push the pelvis forward, and get a slight posterior tilt. Should feel a stretch in the front of the hips. As you get the DB overhead and reach down your back, keep your ribs down and glutes engaged.

Should feel: Triceps, core, glutes

Back to wall single arm bicep curlSame as the DB press, but since weight is only on one side of your body you should also feel some work being done by the opposite side oblique. You can also use the wall to stabilize the working arm, so no rocking of the shoulder (keep it down and back).Should feel: biceps, core, front of neck, opposite oblique

Back to wall single arm bicep curl

Same as the DB press, but since weight is only on one side of your body you should also feel some work being done by the opposite side oblique. You can also use the wall to stabilize the working arm, so no rocking of the shoulder (keep it down and back).

Should feel: biceps, core, front of neck, opposite oblique


2 steps forward, 1 step back


6’s and 7’s