If you didn’t land here from tiktok or IG, here’s a full glute workout that targets your butt from every angle (hip extension, abduction, and external rotation) while also using a variety of load schemes, reps, and speeds to stimulate all the fibers that grow. There’s a PDF link for the workout or you can screenshot the table below. I also provided GIFs of each exercise and further instructions of the workout below the table, for those interested.
And for those interested, a link to my full workout plans - including some booty-specific plans.
And here’s just the image for anyone wanting to screenshot:
Exercise GIFs and Cues:
Circuit 1
Trap Bar Deadlift
flat back, no rounding. Hips move back as far as you can with soft knees, and firm pressure on the heels. Core stays braced, and the weight moves by you pressing down into the ground through your heels - not by lifting up.
KB Swings
An explosive deadlift. All back and forth movement from the hips. Note, not a ton of bend in either the hips or knees, it’s a power exercise. Snap from the hips to move the weight, wait as long as you can for the kettlebell before you you catch it with your hips. Should be violent, not rhythmic
Leg Lowers
With both legs as close to 90 as you can have them, lower one leg at a time making sure neither foot/leg rotates outwards. While you lower one leg, try pulling the other closer to your chest actively.
Circuit 2
Bulgarian Split Squats
Front leg is doing all the work, use the back leg as a kickstand to sit down and back with firm pressure through your front heel. A forward torso lean makes it more glute dominant.
Lateral Lunge
This is all about what angle you push into the ground. Both feet pointed straight, as you plant the working leg push your butt back to make it more glute dominant. To return to your original position, push into the ground at an angle away from you (towards the outside edge of your foot). Most of the weight should be pressed through the outside edge of the working heel.
Hockey Stretch
The straight leg is the stretching side typically, just rock back and forth 6-8 times with slow breathing.
Circuit 3
Box reaching SLDL
Theres a video on my Tiktok/IG explaining this, but the box is both for light support and also cueing to get deeper into the hip of the working leg (the stationary one). With all your weight on the standing leg, and a flat back (no rounding), reach the other leg as far back as you can. Once you’ve reached your limit, lift the leg up, press through the standing leg’s heel, and stand back up by pushing through the ground.
Spicy Glute bridge
This one is as fool proof as it gets. Ideally with boxes/benches of the same height but they can be slightly off with no issues. Note that my arms aren’t supporting me, I’m pivoting on my back just below the shoulder blades. Push through the heel on the edge of the box to extend the hips as high as you can.
Clam shell side planks
All about the down leg here. Get as much heigh as you can by pushing your bottom knee into the ground and extending your hips all the way forward. The higher you get, the more you should feel a burn in the bottom glute.