abs-olve me of my sins
These moves look more complex than they are, I promise. But, doesn’t hurt to start with easier weight. 2 rules for the whole workout:
you should feel your core on every exercise
start on your weak side to adjust for asymmetries.
Even with light weight, your heart rate should be high given the volume per lift, the core emphasis, and the fact that every move is single-sided (so you’re basically doing double reps).
PDF/GIFs below, and a link to full workout plans below that for those interested. Enjoy!
Circuit 1
Bench Supported SLDL
Hip Thrust Single Arm Chest Fly
Plank Diagonals
Hip Flexor Stretch with Rotation
Circuit 2
Counterweight Step Down
Bear Crawl Row
Side Plank Hip lift
Adductor Rockbacks
Circuit 3
Half Kneeling Shoulder Press
ALTERNATING Dead bug Nosebreakers
Alternating Bicep Curl