Quick Rips: Volume 6

Short and sweet, with a good mix of pushes and pulls. Here’s the workout:

2 rounds of each

6 reps per set

light heavy weight (hit about 85% of max by rep 6)

minimal to no rest

Circuit 1

Lower Pull / Upper Push / Anti-Rotation Core

Landmine Explosive Rotational Snatch.GIF

Landmine Rotational Snatch

Outside hip does all the work. hinge into the outside glute, drive through the outside of that foot and finish by rotating to the landmine.

Should feel: glute, hamstring, core, shoulder

Half kneeling landmine press.GIF

Half Kneeling Landmine Press

Half kneeling challenges split stance stability, so focus on hips and core. Shoulder will do its thing if you move the weight.

Should feel: shoulder, core, glute, adductor

Landmine Anti Rotation.GIF

Landmine Anti-rotations

Try to keep the top arm straight (I had a hard time) and core tight. Your goal is to adjust to the center of gravity change using your core.

Should feel: Obliques

Circuit 2

Lower Push / Upper pull / Core

KB Split Squat.GIF

KB Split Squat

Load the front leg, close your back hip towards the front knee and push through the front heel to stand up.

Should feel: glute, quad

Side Plank Row w: Hip Flexion.GIF

Cable Side Plank Row w/ Hip Flexion

This ones hard. Push your top knee toward the cable, not just up to your chest. Keep your hips/torso high off the ground.

Should feel: Oblique, glute (bottom leg), lat

Dead Bug Cable Pull Over.GIF

Pullover dead bug

Keeping your back flat and starting in a dead bug position, reach both arms and both legs out till they are close to the ground.

Should feel: core, lat

Circuit 3

Lower push / loaded locomotive / upper pull / upper pull

Sled Push.GIF

Sled Push

core tight, arms straight, push the ground away behind you

Should feel: core, quads, glutes

Farmers Walk.GIF

Farmers walk

Grab some heavy weights and try walking in a straight line, staying tall. Watch for overarching of your low back, keep the head/ribs/hips stacked.

Should feel: Grip, core



Nice and simple pull. Body flat like a board, pull yourself up while slightly pulling your elbows apart.

Should feel: lat, upper back, arm, hamstrings

TRX Reversed Butterfly.GIF

TRX Reverse Butterfly

If this were a harder exercise I would’ve re-filmed it. Body flat like a board, keeping your arms as straight as you can pull your hands apart. Slow on the way down.

Should feel: upper back, posterior deltoid


Quick Rips: Volume 7


the deception of “calories burned”