full body lift: volume 1
About 90% of the time I lift is full body. Why? Cause I don’t want to add any muscle and I want to be in the gym as short as possible. Each circuit generally has a lower exercise, an upper, and a core (abs) - this allows me to move without rest and still push weight since I’m not working conflicting muscle groups. After a dynamic warm up, you can bust right through this workout in under 30 minutes (20 if you’re lazy like me and only do 2 sets per lift).
If/when I do just 2 sets, the goal is to get more variety in - as in, hit every muscle I can. Additionally, one set will be with moderate weight for 8-12 reps and one set will be heavy, 3-6 reps. Feel free to add. If I do 3 sets, I would add another moderate with 8-12 reps. If I do 4, I would add another heavy at 3-6 on top.
Benefits of working out this way are as follows:
Testosterone boost from heavy lifts (cortisol/stress reduction, general health, body composition)
Growth hormone from the metabolic element (increases lipolysis aka fat breakdown)
Peripheral Heart Action - basically I burn more calories cause my heart has to pump blood to both my lower and upper body
Dumping carbs from every muscle in a short amount of time, making productive use of any carbs I binged on over the weekend
Efficient AF
Not enough volume per muscle to bulk up, which I see as a plus.
Basically, it’s combining the benefits of heavy lifting and HIIT without the drawbacks (overstress, stupid exercises in HIIT).
Circuit 1
Circuit 2
Circuit 3
Circuit 4
If you end up doing it, shoot me an email at ideen@vicesfitness.com. Maybe take some vids and I’ll feature you on a story.