full body lift: volume 1
About 90% of the time I lift is full body. Why? Cause I don’t want to add any muscle and I want to be in the gym as short as possible. Each circuit generally has a lower exercise, an upper, and a core (abs) - this allows me to move without rest and still push weight since I’m not working conflicting muscle groups. After a dynamic warm up, you can bust right through this workout in under 30 minutes (20 if you’re lazy like me and only do 2 sets per lift).
If/when I do just 2 sets, the goal is to get more variety in - as in, hit every muscle I can. Additionally, one set will be with moderate weight for 8-12 reps and one set will be heavy, 3-6 reps. Feel free to add. If I do 3 sets, I would add another moderate with 8-12 reps. If I do 4, I would add another heavy at 3-6 on top.
Benefits of working out this way are as follows:
Testosterone boost from heavy lifts (cortisol/stress reduction, general health, body composition)
Growth hormone from the metabolic element (increases lipolysis aka fat breakdown)
Peripheral Heart Action - basically I burn more calories cause my heart has to pump blood to both my lower and upper body
Dumping carbs from every muscle in a short amount of time, making productive use of any carbs I binged on over the weekend
Efficient AF
Not enough volume per muscle to bulk up, which I see as a plus.
Basically, it’s combining the benefits of heavy lifting and HIIT without the drawbacks (overstress, stupid exercises in HIIT).
Circuit 1
Trap Bar Dead Lift
nothing better for your booty, posture, and core. all from the hips: keep your back flat and drive your feet through the floor.
Half kneeling kettlebell shoulder press
position challenges hip and core stability. Coming down to the front rack makes it harder on my shoulders. Lift with your scap, don’t arch your back.
keep the natural curves in your spine. that means don’t let your hips sag, but also don’t over crunch your abs.
Circuit 2
Overhead Rotational Squat
Personal favorite from the brilliant minds at EXOS. Opens up your shoulders, T Spine, and Hips. Keep your arm completely straight, sit back on your heels, push your knees out and slowly lower yourself down.
Wide Grip Pull Up
Hate pull ups. I stop at 5 no matter what, but that’s bad advice so you should do more if you can.
Side Plank
Simple and effective. Squeeze your bottom shoulder away from your ear to engage your Lat, keep your hips high and press through your bottom foot (note the staggered stance)
Circuit 3
Rotational Row
This is as fully body as it gets. The main body part working here is my lead leg. Driving my lead foot through the floor, rip the handle back. Should feel your glute, core, and then your lat and arm. Everything rotates around the lead leg.
Rotational Chest Press
The inverse of the last one. Press through your back foot and rotate your pelvis towards your front knee, finishing the move with a punch. Should feel it mostly in your back leg, core, and then pec/shoulder/tricep. Everything rotates towards the lead leg.
Tall Kneeling Chop
Burner for your obliques. Arms straight, Core tight, pull from shoulder to hip making the biggest arch you can.
Circuit 4
Rope Tricep Extensions
Keep your upper arm still, shoulders down and back, light tension in your core.
Lateral Raise
Bent knees gives me slack to get my posture in the right spot. Core’s tight, and I’m aiming to lift with my scaps and keep my shoulders away from my ears.
Staggered Bicep Curl
Staggered stance, keeping the weight in your front hip, helps save your back for heavy curls. Core tight, shoulders down and back.
Face Pull
Solid shoulder opener. Don’t just pull the rope to you, you want to try and point your thumbs towards your back pockets, rotating your shoulders open.
PB Plank Roll Out
Dynamic plank, using the ball to increase lever length = more tension on abs. Note, I’m not over crunching my abs, keeping natural spine curves but avoiding an arch as well.
If you end up doing it, shoot me an email at ideen@vicesfitness.com. Maybe take some vids and I’ll feature you on a story.